Machinists help grow Washington’s farm industry

District 751 Machinists play a key role in the success of two of Washington’s leading industries: aerospace and agriculture. Some 200 union members — including Machinists — maintain more than 5,000 miles of irrigation canals and reservoirs throughout the Columbia Basin Project in eastern Washington. Their efforts provide water to more than 670,000 acres where farmers grow Washington’s well-known … Continue reading

Study: Union workers earn $10,000 a year more

The typical American union worker’s weekly paycheck was $200 greater in 2010 than the paychecks for workers in non-union jobs, according to new federal wage data. In manufacturing, union workers made an average of 10 percent more money than their non-union counterparts last year, while transportation sector workers took home wages that were 18 percent … Continue reading

Gregoire talks up Washington aerospace

Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire says the state has a perfect climate for growing jets. “We’ve built a home that encourages aerospace,” Gregoire said at an industry conference in Spokane Wednesday. ““I am working closely with the Legislature to make sure we are doing everything we can to attract and keep aerospace business.” Gregoire listed some … Continue reading

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